Cassava Flakes (Garri)


The Health Benefits of Cassava flakes (Garri): Prevents cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases. Builds immune system, facilitates digestion, promotes eye health, energizes the body and calms the mind. Perfect for diarrhoea and it’s gluten-Free. Cassava flakes contains: iron, manganese, calcium, sodium, magnesium, thiamin, copper, ascorbic acid, zinc, vitamin A, B, C, B17 and potassium. It also contains dietary fiber, protein, lipids, and more. The leaves contain calcium, iron, fats and protein too. Cassava flakes is high in carbohydrates and low in fat, making it a healthy choice for people who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. A cup of Cassava flakes contains about 360 calories, out of which 99 percent is carbohydrate. Cassava flakes can be a healthy part of your diet, as long as you eat it in moderation. Please do not self-diagnose! Herbal supplements can interact with conventional medicines or have strong effects.


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